3 Trends Shaping Today’s Event Experiences

Fall event season is upon us, and is quickly demonstrating that the way we connect, learn, and engage has changed. Demand for immersive, innovative event experiences continues to grow, and with it, so does competition in the event space. As events continue to evolve, ImageThink’s here to help you stay ahead. 

This blog post explores three of the largest trends shaping the future of events – hybrid events, upskilling, and transformative event experiences. It also offers solutions and ideas on how to weave these event trends into your planning efforts, so you can take action and deliver the impactful experiences your attendees crave. 

Event Trend 1: Hybrid Events

In the last 5 years, searches for “hybrid events” have surged by 309%. We can attribute the bulk of that increase to the pandemic days, sure. But hybrid events are still alive and well today, and certainly will be tomorrow. Why? Hybrid events offer a format that simply can’t be beat in terms of reach, flexibility, and accessibility. 

There are gains to be had for both event planners and attendees within this format, with planners now able to draw in new audiences, and with attendees able to attend sessions they previously could not, due to travel or scheduling limitations. For these reasons, it’s not surprising that hybrid events have grown to become an all-around favorite, with attendees valuing them to a near equivalent of in-person events and conferences.  

Yet, that’s not to say this format is without its flaws. Production quality and engagement remain persistent challenges in this format. Happily, there’s a visual way to conquer these pitfalls and ensure your hybrid event delivers impactful results. 

Event trend #1 - hybrid events.

How to Deliver Impactful Hybrid Event Experiences

In the hybrid arena, creating a seamless, memorable experience for all attendees is the key to success. ImageThink helps our clients achieve this through digital graphic recording. Here’s how: 

  1. Documentation: Digital graphic recording captures key insights from keynote speakers and panels, providing engaging, tangible documentation. With the added scheduling flexibility hybrid events provide for attendees, our visual notes ensure no takeaways are missed. 
  2. Integration: Digital graphic recording projects to any screen-size, seamlessly integrating the in-room experience to online. 
  3. Special Moments: Through social listening, ImageThink visually translates contributions from both in-person and online participants, creating connection despite dispersion. 
  4. Experience Experts: ImageThink helps clients navigate hybrid landscapes by mapping events to virtual platforms, identifying valuable sponsorship opportunities, incorporating augmented reality, and fostering interactivity. 
Deliver impactful event experiences by sparking connection in a hybrid format.

Hybrid experiences reimagine the value delivered for both in-person and remote audiences. Paired with ImageThink’s digital graphic recording, you’ll ensure your hybrid event connects attendees, provides flexibility, and engages them throughout.

Event Trend 2: Upskilling

Today’s conferences and events deliver more than just a 3-day out-of-office escapade – they deliver a learning experience. Changing industry dynamics, rapid technological advancements, and a highly competitive job market have made upskilling not just a want, but necessity. Events aren’t an exception – attendees crave experiences that enable skill development adaptable to their roles and organizations. 

Event trend #2 - upskilling.

Promoting Continuous Learning Event Experiences

To satisfy the need for upskilling, incorporate these ideas into your next engagement: 

  1. Graphic recording: Visually capture ideas and learnings in real-time. After, attendees can take ImageThink’s succinct visual notes to share and apply key takeaways with their teams and organizations. 
  1. Workshops and training sessions: Interactive sessions like workshops and seminars provide attendees with opportunities to gain actionable skills and explore new concepts. 
  1. Networking: Toss the business cards out. Instead, create spaces – and time – for attendees to foster meaningful connections with peers and industry leaders. By doing so, you empower attendees to collaborate and skill-share. 
Deliver impactful event experiences by providing opportunities for attendees to upskill.

Attendees are seeking more meaningful, educational experiences. By leveraging a visual approach, your attendees will leave with more than inspiration, but with the skills they need to drive impact. 

Event Trend 3: Transformational Event Experiences

You may be familiar with traditional events that prioritize professional development, knowledge share, and networking. Transformational events, in contrast, focus on deeper, sustained change within attendees. Where rising competition in the event space has brought memorability and impact in to question, transformational event experiences emerge as the answer.  

These events challenge attendees to step outside their comfort zones, build stronger connections, and develop a greater sense of self-awareness. By looking inward, a dramatic impact happens not just within ourselves, but within our workplaces – after these experiences, you can expect a boost in collaboration, creativity, and engagement.  

Event trend #3 - transformational event experiences.

How to Facilitate Transformation

I bet you’re thinking, “This all sounds great. But how can I deliver an experience that transforms my attendees?” Below, see three ways you can empower transformation at your next event. 

  1. Start with emotional connection: Creating shared experiences, and moments of vulnerability and inspiration helps facilitate transformation. When attendees feel emotionally invested and connected, they are more likely to open up, reflect, and form meaningful bonds with others. Our strong aptitude for and connection with visuals makes visualization a powerful agent of emotional connection. Whether by illustrating experiences or journeys, or by asking an emotionally charged question and capturing response, visualization provides validation, perspective, and clarity. 
  1. Immerse in new cultures and environments: Shifts in setting or culture prompts transformation by immersing attendees in something unfamiliar and stimulating. This welcomed disruption makes individuals more open to change and creates a sense of novelty that sparks creativity. You can achieve this by holding your event in a unique venue, or incorporating elements of different cultures – whether that be food, art, traditions, or language. 
  1. Build in moments of reflection: People transform when they are given the chance to reflect on their personal or professional journeys. Providing time, and outlets – like journaling, visual templates, or group discussions – during events enables attendees to process, see their growth, and apply what they’ve learned in new and meaningful ways. 
Propel attendees to transform.

By tapping into any of these ideas, you’ll not only inspire your attendees; you’ll propel them to transform.  

Leverage These Event Trends in Your Next Engagement

Hybrid events, upskilling, and transformational event experiences are reshaping the way we think about events. Incorporating these event trends into your next engagement will not only surprise and delight your attendees but drive lasting change within them. To learn more about how you can leverage visuals in your next engagement to drive lasting change, get in touch with us today. 

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