Draw Your Big Idea
Drawing on our breakthrough work with Fortune 100 companies, ImageThink’s own co-founders created 100 visual exercises and graphic facilitation resources to help turn your Big Idea into Reality.

Download a Free Chapter of Draw Your Big Idea
Want to take your first steps into thinking visually? Download a free chapter of Nora’s best-selling book, Draw Your Big Idea.
By Other Authors

Business Model Generation
An infographic resources handbook for fresh thinking visionaries looking to carve creative, innovative paths for their businesses.

Back of the Napkin
Dan Roam’s bestselling graphic facilitation book explores how simple imagery and tools can provide creative approaches to solving problems in business. Find out how drawing can help you illuminate solutions and pitch your big ideas with impact.

Drawing on The Right Side of the Brain
Betty Edwards’ flagship title is must-own for graphic facilitators and artists of all skill levels. In this visual thinking book, right-brain thinking is emphasized as a tool for perception and as a revolutionary way of seeing and drawing.

Is your office a place that could benefit from more connectivity? This infographic book includes games from innovators who understand that their most precious assets are their colleagues and creativity. A must-have graphic facilitation resource.

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
A leader in visualizing information, Edward Tufte has authored a number of graphic facilitation and design thinking books that highlight the best examples of distilling complex material in graphics, tables and models.

Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
Scott McCloud strips the art form down to its most foundational elements. A must-read infographic resource for anyone who wants to be in the know about graphic facilitation and visual storytelling.

The Visual Miscellaneum
David McCandles uses graphics and visuals to illustrate the dynamic relationships of our world, as well as the curious facts and compelling statistics of the more pedestrian aspects of our lives. A must-have for any graphic facilitation resources library.

Visual Meetings
David Sibbett, founder of the pioneering Grove Consulting firm, explains how visual tools can be game changers for brainstorming meetings, strategy sessions, and more in this graphic facilitation book.

A Whole New Mind
Daniel Pink’s visual thinking book cites compelling research for why right-brain thinking is vital to professional and personal success in the future, which is particularly useful for graphic facilitators.

An international forum of graphic recorders, graphic facilitators, and visual practitioners offers networking opportunities and graphic facilitation resources to members and colleagues.