Moving Into the New Year Together
The leaves have turned, it’s getting chilly, and our graphic recorders are packing extra layers for their trips across the country. As winter arrives and the quarter wraps up, it is time to reflect on the year’s achievements and the people who have made them possible.
If you’re lucky, you ENJOY working with those people that are achieving successes along side you!
At ImageThink we believe that curiosity, flexibility and integrity breed the quality relationships needed for an empathetic and supportive company culture. That means more than an annual holiday party. Like any relationship, it takes continual attention and cultivation.
So what makes for a healthy team dynamic? Graphic recording has given us opportunity to learn from thousands of teams. Here are a few of our learnings, both from our team and the folks we’ve been fortunate enough to work with over the past nine years.

Shared Purpose
Knowing the why behind your work is crucial to staying motivated, feeling fulfilled, and avoiding burnout at work. As Simon Sinek says in Start With Why:
Very few people or companies can clearly articulate WHY they do WHAT they do. By WHY I mean your purpose, cause or belief – WHY does your company exist? WHY do you get out of bed every morning? And WHY should anyone care?
Identify the larger purpose of your organization: the north star that guides your monthly projects as well as daily tasks. Just as importantly, forge your purpose statement together as a team. It will help to converge individual goals, and allow folks to see how their individual tasks relate to larger team efforts. Our graphic recorders have seen, first-hand, the bond that forms when a team witnesses their purpose statement drawn out before their eyes.

Celebrate Success
Especially during the busier times of the year, we can feel a bit like Sisyphus: endlessly completing tasks only to be handed another. It can be overwhelming and, without moments of reflection, even pointless. Making a habit of acknowledging co-worker’s efforts and successes–even in every day tasks–will make them feel their work is worthwhile and that they are appreciated.
At ImageThink, we use Yammer to give eachother shout outs on jobs well-done. With a team frequently spread across the states, it’s a way to make everyone feel appreciated and connected, no matter where they are!

Support Individual Endeavors
You and your co-workers have lives outside the office, with personal interests and goals; and you may have interest in roles outside the ones made explicit by your job titles. Allow each other to bring passion projects in the office, even if it bleeds outside the designated boundaries of your responsibilities.
Not only will it give folks a sense of personal investment and fulfillment; it could also lead to innovative new services that will benefit both your team and your clients.
Take a cue from Sparks & Honey, the 24/7 culture newsroom that encourages it’s team to share knowledge, passion, and individual insights during their Daily Culture Briefing.