Recently, ImageThink scribes Virginia Montgomery and Wyn Wilson created visualizations of the incredible talks at Maker Faire’s annual Bay Area extravaganza. The “greatest show and tell on earth” brought together some of today’s best minds on the subjects of technology, innovation, and creative thinking. The diverse roster of speakers ranged from from NASA Astronaut Dr. John Grunsfeld to the grandfather of 3-D printing, Charles Hull.
Maker Faire facilitated rich discussions into the rapid expansions into scientific advancements in sectors such as software development, agriculture solutions, space and underwater exploration, big data manipulation, and even insights into the entertainment world of fighting robots! Speakers shared concrete insights on how the growing community of “makers” has impacted and in accelerated scientific research, prototyped new models of possibility, and tested the applications of technology in both recreational and business spheres.
The ImageThink team created visual notes of 20 talks in all. The overwhelmingly positive message that we heard was the importance of building strong connections within your local DIY community, keeping one’s passions high and in focus, and sharing your own discoveries online to inspire, educate, and engage others.
To view a gallery of the exciting talks ImageThink created rapid graphic recordings of at Maker Faire – Bay Area 2013, please click here.