The president of Dunkin Donuts, the Dalai Lama, and Shaun White walk into a conference hall.
That’s not the start to a bad joke, it’s something that can really happen at PTTOW!, a 250 member coalition of some of the world’s most innovative and influential thought leaders. Founded by Roman Tsunder and Terry Hardy in 2009, PTTOW! was organized to give these thought leaders a space to come into dialogue and to cross-pollinate learnings from seemingly disparate industries. PTTOW! members come together to collaboratively investigate what has made them a key opinion leader in business and in life.

ImageThink co-founder Heather Willems captured key takeaways from the general session and graphic facilitated Think Tanks that generated new ideas from business leaders in the marketing field.
Speakers including Cal Fussman, mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Claire Wineland discussed issues as far ranging as how to ask better questions, implement better gun control, and overcome illness to live a rich life. Take a look at ImageThink’s summary board above, where we captured some of the most salient and resounding messages from the event.
ImageThink is also capturing content and teaching a workshop on Drawing Your Ideas into Action at PPTOW! WORLDZ this August. We will be in attendance to continue to engage attendees and create compelling visuals that highlight all of the thought leadership content from WORLDZ.
Have questions about any of the services discussed here? Looking for new ideas to engage your audience at your next conference? Let’s talk! Just email our project managers at info@imagethink.net and let’s get started.