The Development of a Strategic Visual

ImageThink's Strategic Visual Journey Map

From on site to studio

You’ve seen our work on site. But what about our studio practice? ImageThink develops iterative visual assets for clients that depict contain complex messages, strategic plans or initiatives, valuable data or metrics, company histories, or promotional messaging for products, services, or individuals. See the image above, or read on to learn more about the strategic visual journey.

The strategic visual journey

ImageThink’s strategic visual process is largely guided by collaboration. In a collaborative effort between you and ImageThink, we develop impactful visual assets in a timespan of four to six weeks. Our iterative process ensures that every detail reflects your vision and goals.

The strategic visual journey begins with an initial Scanning Call with an ImageThink Sales Rep, followed by a critical Planning Call with your team’s key stakeholders. During this Planning phase, ImageThink uncovers the storyline, context, key ideas, and objectives that form the backbone of your project. These elements are the foundation for the visual work that follows.

Once the groundwork is laid, ImageThink’s visual strategists develop a Concept Sketch. This black-and-white outline presents the first draft of the ideas, offering a format for review. At this stage, the client provides feedback to ensure the sketch aligns with your vision. Feedback is vital to each step, and this bi-directional collaboration drives refinements throughout the process.

Following feedback on the Concept Sketch, the project moves through two more rounds of iteration. These iterations allow for further client input, the addition of color, and the polishing of details. By the end of these stages, the final visual reflects not just your ideas but the collaborative work between your team and ImageThink.

Once complete, ImageThink reveals the the strategic visual to you via gallery link or video. To conclude the strategic visual journey, ImageThink hosts a Reflection Call with you to assess the process, clarify next steps, and discuss future possibilities.

At each step of your strategic visual journey, ImageThink helps you take action, engage, inspire, and clarify your strategic goals. Could your work benefit from personalized visual assets? Get in touch or give us a call today to visualize your next project.

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