If you’ve ever scheduled a meeting, you know a lot work goes into assembling the minds and voices you want present. Good planning leads to good collaboration, and it’s critical that you follow up after a meeting on all your hard work. Nothing is more frustrating than seeing great ideas get lost to day-to-day business as usual.
So let’s set the stage. You’ve planned the perfect meeting. You nailed your agenda. You engaged your team and inspired them to collaborate and ideate. And ImageThink (or another graphic recorder) was on site to capture your best ideas visually.
After facilitating and recording thousands of successful sessions, what does ImageThink recommend in the immediate aftermath of your strategic session, conference, or board meeting?

Share it Big
Display your ImageBoards! 65% of people are visual learners, and conveying your key takeaways and ideas graphically reinforces and socializes those ideas. In the case of traditional marker-on-board graphic recording, we leave our clients the original after meeting notes, and encourage them to mount and display them somewhere public, like the cafeteria, over an open floor-plan bullpen, or in the conference room. A daily, visual reminder of the ideas and commitments that were most exciting in the room, will keep your team motivated, and enthused, by your project.

Share it Digitally
A 40” x 60” ImageBoard in the breakroom has a big impact, for our larger clients, there is a limit to how many eyes will see their work that way. That’s why for every ImageThink engagement, we photograph and digitally trace our ImageBoards, and share the digital artwork with our clients so that insights can be shared via email, social media, or office intranet. Those who attended the meeting have a quick reference a click away, and those who weren’t present have an easily read, quickly understood snapshot of key ideas. Beyond quickly sharing the biggest ideas from your meeting at a glance, sharing digitized assets also communicates to meeting participants that you value their inputs and your commitment to acting on the ideas explored.

Share Gratitude
Another benefit of digital collateral is that it can be repurposed. Our clients often order and frame prints for their office, or as a gift for participants in the session. You can also print and send thank-you cards featuring full ImageBoards, or isolated illustrations. There are plenty of great gifts that can be made from your finished artwork as a way of thanking attendees, memorializing their contributions, or sharing your insights with your clients and customers. Mousepads, mugs, totes, the hand-drawn content we help create will serve you long after your meeting ends. If you can print on it, we can leverage it to memorialize your event.

Share it Simply
The meetings and sessions ImageThink supports frequently last multiple days and generate a number of ImageBoards with a wide range of content. Sometimes the sheer volume of ideas to come out of a session can make it difficult to share high-level insights or to identify the highest priority items that should be shared widely. In these cases, we offer to create an executive summary or an infographic that condenses the ideas visually. These pieces can be distributed and displayed using any of the ways outlined above, and make for a nice way to conclude your project with a ranging view of all that was covered. They can also make for a nice reveal to participants, and a reinforcement that you value their contributions.
Have a year-end review or strategic planning meeting coming up? Did you just have one? Give us a call at the number in our nav bar or connect with one of our account managers for some insights on how you can calcify your ideas!