Eight Fundamental Needs Fulfilled by Visuals

to Memorialize and Document
The most common, and perhaps most obvious, reason clients come to ImageThink is to guarantee their ideas are captured. Getting things down on paper is half the battle to making them a reality. “Pics or it didn’t happen,” or as we like to say, “visualize, or it won’t happen.”

to Align & Engage
One of the greatest challenges is getting everyone on the same page and working toward the same goal. You’ve assembled a great team of dedicated, hard-working, believers, but if they’re working ineffectively, it’s all for naught. Strategic visualization and graphic recording help everyone see the big picture, and where they fit into it, leading to better decision making in service of the overall goal.

to Captivate & Delight
Long meetings or lectures can be boring, draining, or lead people to tune out. Lost focus is lost time and more importantly lost potential. One thing we hear over and over from first time clients is graphic recording is like a magic trick – witnessing the real time visualization and synthesis of complex ideas is awe striking. The best part is, that awe is focused on the content and discussion, not the clock or lunch menu.

to Communicate & Inform
66% of people are visual learners, and social media is decimating peoples’ abilities to pay attention and focus on anything for more than a few seconds. Pictures convey ideas faster, more easily, and in greater volume than words and text. When you have a mission critical message, a new product launch, or a pitch that you can’t afford to lose, graphic recording and strategic visuals ensure it’s said in the most optimal way for your audience to absorb it: visually.

to Compel & Influence
Images are persuasive. Whether corporate is struggling to roll out a new set of values or behaviors, the company is restructuring or changing directions, or the product team desperately needs buy-in on a new feature, don’t make the mistake of telling people why it is so important. Show them instead. A visual strategist brings weight and import to a topic. They can draw a linear path of understanding the purpose behind key decision making. Great visuals also compel customers to buy, sign up, or participate better than words alone can.

to Innovate & Inspire
Moving a group into a collective creative flow can be like herding cats. Creativity experts advocate for a few things: incorporating physical movement, appropriately framing the topic, and working in new modes and media. ImageThink graphic facilitation clients enjoy drawing activities activate new areas of the brain through new ways of thinking. Capturing the ideas visually allows your team to tangibly interact with ideas, stress test them, spot connections, and build off one another.

to Plan & Strategize
When it comes to road mapping, strategizing, and articulating a plan of action, visuals are an invaluable tool for providing a clear, unobstructed path forward. Too often, strategy sessions appear to come to a consensus, then everyone goes and tackles the project their own way, at their own pace, or worse yet, tackles different interpretations of the same project. Visuals create clarity, and clarity creates harmony. Harmonized efforts lead to efficient, effective, effortless (seemingly so) projects.

to Reflect & Learn
Moving a group into a collective creative flow can be like herding cats. Creativity experts advocate for a few things: incorporating physical movement, appropriately framing the topic, and working in new modes and media. ImageThink facilitation clients enjoy drawing activities activate new areas of the brain through new ways of thinking. Capturing the ideas visually allows your team to tangibly interact with ideas, stress test them, spot connections, and build off one another.