A Global EdTech Ecosystem
Anthology is the largest EdTech ecosystem on a global scale, supporting more than 150 million users in 80 countries. With a mission to provide dynamic, data-informed experiences to the global education community, Anthology helps learners, leaders and educators achieve their goals through over 60 SaaS products and services designed to advance learning.

The Best Thinking in Higher Education Technology
With an exhibit space at the Educause Annual Conference, Anthology was looking to host a social listening activation to capture the sentiment of the 4000+ person crowd. Further, they needed a way to make theirs an exciting presence among a sea of fellow exhibitors.
Anthology had hosted a similar activation at their booth the previous year but found the visual output was lacking the insights they needed to learn from the community.
Unlocking Community Insights
With years of successful Social Listening Activations under its belt, ImageThink utilized strategic visual support to engage attendees and scan for valuable insights to create a truly personalized visualization of the event.

ImageThink visual strategists conducted two days of live on-site digital graphic recording with a Social Listening Mural activation. These visuals were projected on a large LED panel screen within the exhibit space and visualized responses to a question designed to unlock valuable community insights.

Capturing Real Conversations: No Buzzwords! No Gimmicks!
On the conference floor in Denver, participants shared their responses while our Visual Strategist scribed live and digitally. The client engaged attendees and the resulting tool visualizes real snippets of conversation that Anthology can leverage to better serve their customer base.