The Party’s Over Before It Even Started
The California Democratic Party (CADEM) needed to inspire active participation in the 2020 election cycle and to urge attendees to commit to hosting a house party of their own in the coming weeks and months.
With the COVID-19 pandemic putting all public gatherings to a halt, CADEM quickly pivoted to take their house parties virtual, reimagining the concept of house parties in the process. Beyond choosing the correct platform, CADEM faced the many challenges of keeping their participants engaged and active during their virtual meeting.
Fortunately, they had a clear goal and message, and were willing to look while leaping, diving headfirst into the new world of virtual meetings.
Virtual Venue, Real RSVPs
After attending our webinar, Elevating Virtual Meetings, CADEM opted to use Zoom as their meeting platform. In the planning stages, ImageThink guided the facilitators with video conferencing tips and best practices.
During their virtual sessions, ImageThink provided real-time graphic recording, documenting and illustrating all key concepts and big ideas. These assets not only served to keep attendees engaged, they encouraged participation, and also gave CADEM high quality visual summaries of each discussion to distribute to attendees following the meeting.

Let’s Party Like It’s 2099
The ImageThink team was proud to help CADEM bring down the house with their first virtual house party. Feedback from attendees was that they felt heard, acknowledged, and present in the digital meeting space.
What’s more, CADEM was able to ignite and unite it’s base, inspiring an impressive number of participants to commit to hosting their own virtual meetings in the coming weeks. These house parties will be many peoples’ only chance for direct interpersonal connection in an important election year.
Now, we’re keeping the momentum going with custom illustrated slide decks that will empower virtual house party hosts to engage their attendees—and inspire them to lead the charge in their own online communities.