What is PSP?
ImageThink partnered with a CurePSP, an organization that provides resources and support for patients with neurodegenerative disorders and their families. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is a progressive brain disease that affects brain cells controlling balance, coordination, eye movement, speech, swallowing, and thinking. It has no known cause or cure and affects young people comparative to other neurological diseases.

PSP is one of a spectrum of brain diseases that often onset in patients in their 50’s and 60’s often affecting families, careers, and active lives. It’s thought that there may be a common pathology between PSP and more common neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s, so CurePSP’s work has an even broader reach.
Learning through Listening
CurePSP organized a virtual event for patients suffering from a specific neurodegenerative disorder. The event would include keynotes and activities to engage participants and help link them to resources they might find useful in the handling of their disease. In addition, the event would serve as a way to expand their support group; by providing graphic recording, ImageThink would provide a point of connection.
Throughout the day, ImageThink visualized answers to questions surrounding patient experience and patient hopes or needs. The answers, when depicted on the board, helped showcase their challenges and hopeful spirit despite the mercilessness of their illness, through visual metaphors and compassionate drawing.
Picturing Empathy
ImageThink graphic recording and social listening murals helped attendees feel heard and seen and helped inspire a sense of connection among attendees. What’s more, they helped healthcare providers understand, and empathize to improve their patient’s experience.

Often, we find that the ideas we visualize take on a more human life in the minds of our clients. Putting hand-drawn iconography and illustrated faces to ideas and plans and topics helps make them memorable and more importantly, meaningful.