Chemicals, Coatings, and Crowds, Oh My!
Eastman is a worldwide chemical company that produces a range of materials, additives, specialty chemicals, and fibers that are found in products people use every day. Having celebrated its centennial in 2020, the Tennessee based firm is a global leader in the field, committed to innovation, safety, and sustainability.

As the leading North American industry event, The American Coatings Show and Conference is the place to be for setting trends and surveying future developments in the chemical coatings industry. With an offer of immediate business opportunities, a portfolio of high-grade products, and access to top industry decision makers, the 2022 show was a must-attend event for major players in the sector.
Big Impact from a Small Footprint
Eastman is committed to developing a more sustainable future in the coatings industry. With proactive investments into innovative solutions, each day they move toward this green goal. For instance, Eastman has developed the molecular recycling initiative and is exploring polyester renewal technology.

The 2022 AC Show was expecting a big turnout, and Eastman wanted to be sure their exciting eco-friendly developments weren’t lost in the noise of this huge in-person conference. As one of many booths featuring exciting new products and technologies, how could they ensure attendees stopped for a moment to consider their message?
A Winning Formula, with Zero Waste
ImageThink proposed using live social listening murals to capture contributions and insights for Eastman on video screens at their booth. Our real-time visuals helped reel in the chemically curious, prompting them to think about sustainability within the coatings industry.
We developed two key prompts: “What does sustainability mean to the coating industry?”, and “How will sustainability initiatives change the coatings industry?” The questions highlighted Eastman’s commitment to sustainability, engaged foot traffic both socially and mentally, and managed to increase the amount of time spent at the Eastman booth.

Anyone who’s spent time at a crowded convention or trade show knows that the name of the game is getting people to stop and engage with you. Between our two interactive social listening murals, and our visual translation of a Keynote speech by SVP and CTO of Eastman, Dr. Chris Killian, ImageThink was able to help Eastman do just that.